Hi I am Lutchie mother of 3 girls Arra 4, Ava 2 and Amara 7 mos. Since 2nd child was born i have this anger in my heart that i cannot control. I have no middle feelings. I get so happy then I get so sad. Not mad or super MAD that i screamed all the time..for no reasons. My children are terrified but I do not know what to do or stop it. Then when i had my 3rd child I am so sad. Whatever I do did not help. I went to church, see friends, my husband helped a lot. life is very good but WHY AM I SAD? Most of the time I think I am crazy. I am angry and sad ALL THE TIME. I want ot be happy but I do not know how?? whats going on with me?? whats wrong with me??? please help me

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May 05, 2011
Thank you
by: Lutchie

Dear Liz,

I have ordered 3 oils last May 3, 2011. The eczema ointment with geranium oils, Aloe Vera and Calendula Cream and Marigold Balm for my daughter. I hope you sent them already. I need to be happy before I hurt my little ones feeling so bad. They are very very wonderful children thats why I cannot understand why I feel this way but you might be right about the depression. I will see my doctor next week. Thank you.

May 05, 2011
Rose and geranium for a sad lady.
by: Liz - Editor

Oh Lutchie, you sound so sad.

I am not a doctor so I am not the person the diagnose illness but to a layman you sound like you may be experiencing some kind of post- natal depression.

Please Lutchie, make an appointment to see your doctor, they will be able to help to make you feel better I feel sure. It may feel scary but if not for you, then do it for your children, they deserve happier times than this, and so do you.

Essential oils are in no way a replacement for their medicine but it may be worth getting some geranium oil (There is lots of that in the eczema treatments that we do), or you could put a couple of drops in the bath, which may help you cope a bit better. Have a look at our chart for oils for the emotions, in particular rose.

Most important though, is the doctors....

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